William Fasula Apps

Deep Space Planner 1.02
Deep Space Planner is an app to prepare atelescope observing list of deep space objects such as galaxies,nebula, and star clusters from the "The Historically Corrected NewGeneral Catalogue (HCNGC)". The list can be filtered by RightAscension, Declination, Constellation, Object Type, and MaximumMagnitude. Once the list is generated, an item in the list can beselected to view more detailed information about the object. Ashare option is provided and the list can be sent to a printer ifdesired. A "night mode" option switches to app to a blackbackground with red lettering so it can be used while at thetelescope. The free version has a magnitude limit of 8 but the Proversion does not have a magnitude limitation. The app willcalculate the local sidereal time for the current time andlocation. The date, time and longitude and be changed using theoptions in the Menu.
Deep Space Planner Pro 1.0
William Fasula
Deep Space Planner is an app to prepare anobserving list for the "The Historically Corrected New GeneralCatalog (HCNGC)", which contains coordinates for galaxies,nebulas,and star clusters . The list can be filtered by RightAscension, Declination, Constellation, Object Type, and MaximumMagnitude. Once the list is generated, an item in the list can beselected to view more detailed information about the object. Ashare option is provided and the list can be sent to a printer ifdesired. A "night mode" option switches to app to a blackbackground with red lettering so it can be used while at thetelescope. The app will calculate the local sidereal time for thecurrent time and location. The date, time and longitude and bechanged using the options in the Menu.
MyExerciseLog 1.09
MyExerciseLog is used for GPS recording andlogging time and distance of activities such as running andcycling. It is customizable to add any activity and is perfect formulti-sport athletes. The built in reports for weekly, monthly andyearly summaries provide a quick and easy way to analyze yourprogress. There also is a custom report and graph feature thatallows the selection of dates and other filters such as trainingtype or location. It computes calories burned for running, cyclingand walking but can optionally entered as well. If you like thisapp you can upgrade to MyExerciseLogPro which has features tobackup and restore the database, export and import comma separatevariable files and export of KML and GPX files.
MyRunCoach 1.08
Designed for runners past the beginner stage,whose improvement has leveled off. New runners generally have rapidimprovement that slows down after the first year. Now it's time totarget specific types of training to give your fitness a boost. Youjust need to enter a recent race, preferably a 5k or 10k race, agoal race time and your current mileage. You will be presented witha 16 week plan, that will turbo charge your fitness. The plan willcontain, what distance to run, how fast and what type of run.
MyExerciseLogPro 1.07
William Fasula
MyExerciseLog is used for recording andlogging time and distance of activities such as running andcycling. It is customizable to add any activity and is perfect formulti-sport athletes. The built in reports for weekly, monthly andyearly summaries provide a quick and easy way to analyze yourprogress. There also is a custom report and graph feature thatallows the selection of dates and other filters such as trainingtype or location. It computes calories burned for running, cyclingand walking but can optionally entered as well. It has options tobackup and restore the database, export and import comma separatevariable files and export of KML and GPX files and it doesn't haveads.
Tiles aka Slider 1.04
Tiles is the game we grew up playingthathelped boring family trips. Sixteen numbered tiles thatslidearound with one blank tile. The object of the game is tosimplyarrange them in order. It is also know as slider.
Running News 1.11
A convenient running news app for runners withall your running news all in one place. If you wish, you cancustomize the list, delete the ones you don't use and add otherthat you like to the list.
Keep score as you play Bocce, Petanque, Ping Pong, Kan Jam, orHorseshoes.
BocceScorePro 1.01
William Fasula
Next time you play bocce, keep track of your bocce score using theBocceScore app. It's easy to use with Red and Green drop down listsand will keep track of your score as you play. It can be used forother games such as Petanque, Ping Pong, Kan Jam, or Horseshoes. Ifthe balls you are using are of a different color, you can changethe colors in settings. The default maximum score is 21 but it canbe changed in the settings to something less. For tournament play,you can enter your own team names. When the winning score is set, ahistory of results will be kept for each game which can be simplyviewed or printed or emailed using the share option. No Ads.
Running, Walking Cadence 1.04
This app was designed for tracking your steps,cadence, pace, distance and calories burned while walking orrunning. Most running experts advise that runners achieve anoptimal cadence of 180 steps per minute. Most runners are much lessand don't realize it. Using this app will provide real timefeedback of running cadence allowing runners to adjust their striderate to approach 180 per minute. It will also track the distanceusing your phone's GPS. It will create map of you run in a GPX filewhich you can view with any GPX Viewer app.During a run or walk, you can chose to have any these spokenmetrics or none:Distance, Elapsed Time, Average Speed/Pace, Cadence, Calories,Split Average Speed/Pace, Split Cadence.The spoken metrics can selected for intervals of .25 Miles, .5Miles, 1 Mile, 2 Miles, 5 Miles. The time, speed, cadence, andsteps will be saved into a split file for viewing from thehistory.There is a treadmill mode which will turn off the GPS and then theApp will calculate your distance by stride length which can beconfigured in Advanced Settings.
Target Calculator 1.02
Easily calculate your shooting score.